Saturday, December 6, 2008


Most great cases of mesothelioma are either in pleural or peritoneal form. Mesothelioma is not such a forgiving disease. Many people that contract the disease have been known to live for only a a year and not more.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is rare and quite different from the other type of mesothelioma, its said to affect the abdominal lining(peritoneum). Peritoneal mesothelioma take up only 30% of all the mesothelioma cases reported.

The disease takes such a long time to develop and with symptoms that are quite similar to many other less serious types of ailments. When a person is diagnosed their chances of surviving the disease are very small. The disease is said to be so lethal to the point that survival chances are limited to just a few months. But fortunately peritoneal mesothelioma is treatable and the treatment largely depends on the cancer stage, Age and overall health of the patient. But of course if detected in its early stages treatment can increase your survival chances ten fold.

Treatment options for peritoneal mesothelioma include>

Surgery> surgery is the most common form of treatment option for malignant types of mesothelioma. The Doctor removes part of the lining for the abdomen and some of the tissue around it. Surgery depends largely on the extent the cancer has spread in the body.

Below are 2 of the surgical procedures administered to peritoneal mesothelioma patients.

Pleurectomy: A surgery is conducted to remove the abdomen lining and and some of the tissue surrounding it. This procedure is performed for a variety of disorders including pleural effusion, malignant pleural mesothelioma, and trauma.

Pleurectomy/decortication: A surgery is conducted to remove a a part of the abdomen lining(peritoneal) and as much of the tumor mass as possible. This procedure can be performed to reduce pain caused by the tumor mass. This form of surgery can be generally aimed at relieving symptoms, such as recurrent ascites or bowel obstruction.

Chemotherapy: This type of treatment is administered to help kill the cancerous cells. Chemotherapy can be taken in the form of pills or through syringes. Chemotherapy is also known as systematic treatment because the drug enters the bloodstream, travels through the body, and can kill cancer cells throughout the body.

Radiotherapy: This form of treatment is administered in the form of High-energy x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, and other sources of radiation are used to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

Studies have shown that using only a single one of the treatments listed above have listed to fail to improve the conditions of the patients. Instead combining all of the above options has been known to improve the patents chances of surviving.

Get to learn more about ... peritoneal mesothelioma treatment and how you can diagnose it. Plus get to learn about the stages the disease takes as this is very important especially when it comes to treating the disease.

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Its said that each year over 2000 to 3000 of malignant pleural Mesothelioma cases are reported and this number is double what was there in the previous years. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is caused due to prolonged exposure to Asbestos. Asbestos was discovered to be a health hazard back in the 1960' and is said to be the main cause of plural mesothelioma. This is a rare type of cancer that attacks the lining of the lungs the (plural membrane) or mesothelium for the scientifically inclined.

Pleural mesothelioma can be cured but it all depends on the stage of the cancer, age and overall health. When the disease is detected in the early stages it can be contained through surgery. But over the past rarely have there been any mesothelioma survival cases. The disease is said to lower the prognosis of the patient to the point that being able to live for even a year is conisdered a a miracle.

Its such a dangerous disease and hardly do many people get the chance to detect it early and control it in time. the symptoms are very similar to many other lung related diseases. There are various treatment options for mesothelioma and that includes. Surgery: surgery is a a very effective option because the doctors can remove the parts which are infected but when it comes to malignant cancers surgery is hardly a treatment but more of a control

Chemotherapy: chemo is the most common this is where the doctors get to treat the disease chemically through the use of medicine to counteract the tumor or the cancer. Radiotherapy is also a viable and a widely used treatment option, using ultraviolet rays to burn off the cancerous cells can be applied in this situation. Malignant mesothelioma is said to take 30 to 40 years to develop full and that's why its important that if you have even worked in close contact with Asbestos its important that you keep you health in check, watch out for the symptoms, visit the website to check out the symptoms exhibited by people who have contracted the disease.

Get to know the symptoms that malignant pleural mesotheliom patients exhibit and also get to know what other types of cancers can be caused due to the exposure to Asbestos.

Caring For a Mesothelioma Patient

It is estimated that approximately 3,000 cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Because the latency period (the period of time between exposure to asbestos and the development of mesothelioma) is long, people who were exposed to asbestos even decades ago are currently developing the disease. Another variable that is extremely important to a patients out look is his or her overall health at the time of diagnosis. Generally the healthier a patient is, the better he or she will react to cancer treatments, and the greater the chances of longer survival. It may take some time for the diagnosis to be made.

A mesothelioma patient is an individual who has been exposed to toxic asbestos fibers in the last fifty years. Workers in the factory, construction, custodial, automotive, railroad, and shipyard industries are all at risk for developing mesothelioma.

As a mesothelioma patient, you will confront medical costs and related financial demands in addition to the emotional and physical problems of having a serious disease. Diagnosing and treating mesothelioma is expensive. There are a number of changes that are expected to occur in a mesothelioma patient. A lung transplant is a possible treatment option for a mesothelioma patient whose respiratory health has deteriorated to a level at which doctors predict that the patient will not live long without a healthy replacement lung. However, lung transplant surgery is a major undertaking.

Some doctors and medical centers have extensive experience with treating mesothelioma patients. Some cancer centers have experience with all types of cancer. Most often, the hospice care is provided to a mesothelioma patient at his or her home, allowing patients to spend their last days in the comfort of their homes their families present.

For the caregiver of a mesothelioma patient, life will change drastically. This person will not only work tirelessly to physically tend to the mesothelioma sufferer, but will also be involved in numerous decisions about this person and their disease. Most reports indicate that the average age of a mesothelioma patient is 60.

There are groups available to support loved ones of mesothelioma patients. Consult with your doctor to find the best support groups for you and your loved ones.

Learn more about Mesothelioma and Asbestos related disease here Asbestos Related Disease as well as Mesothelioma Patient.

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